Welcome to Daylilies !
Last updated Jan 2008 (more photos added)
I was first bitten by the Daylily bug in 2000 strangely by a cultivar called Bela Lugosi that I bought in the floral marquee of a local show. I already had a few in the garden but none that matched this one for it's rich colour and velvety texture. I was hooked, and have been collecting ever since. I have been amazed and delighted by the range of new varieties, unusual markings and shapes currently being bred by fellow addicts in America, Australia and Europe. So far I have around 300 named cultivars old and new ranging from tiny miniatures to giant spiders. I will add these to this site as they come into flower and can be photographed.
I have been Hybridising daylilies since 2003 with variable results but have been playing with pollen from some of the newer American Spider hybrids recently and have my fingers crossed for something stunning this year. I will list them in the summer 2008 all being well. They may not be as exciting as some of the really cutting edge new American hybrids but everyone has to start somewhere, and I am keen to breed plants that will thrive and perform well in U.K conditions.
I have also been hybridising Hellebores, doubles, scented varieties and picotee edged I will post the pictures on this site if there is anything worth looking at.
I am a part time hobby grower but do sell surplus stock (to pay the seed and compost bills!) when its available so if there is anything you are interested in please click here to email me or take a look on ebay at what I am currently selling items for sale